Wednesday, June 01, 2005

You never forget your first...

Note: This is my first official blog post.
As you can see, we here at YES! Weekly have decided to crash another party. Thanks for having us.
Here we'll try to bring you some of the things we can't (or won't) tackle in our pages. All of our employees will be encouraged to post, and for my part I'll do my best to put out a couple things a week.
One caveat: When I lapse into this type of informal writing style, I tend to be a bit more raw than in printed publications. I'll most likely preface my posts geared towards older readers with an ostentatious warning.
But for the most part, this blog interests me because I'm very much on board with the new trend towards transparency in the media. I envision posting items concerning the 'how' and 'why' of some of the stories we cover in the big book and maybe some glimpses into the decision-making process over here, both in terms of editorial content and the many choices a writer or photographer makes when applying his craft.
And sometimes the best story is the untold one behind the piece that appears in the print edition — the story behind the story, so to speak. When time and the libel laws permit, I'll be runnning some of those as well.
Feel free to ask us anythiing in this forum. And also be generous in dispensing advice — we realize we're the newcomers here and that we can benefit from the wisdom of the blogging sages here in town and elsewhere.
An example: I just learned how to hyperlink, but since I'm on a Mac (running OS 10.3.7 and using Safari 1.2.4 as my browser) I did it manually. Is there an easier way?


Blogger jw said...

Not using a Mac! Nothing is EVER easy using a Mac.

(Consider the can of worms officially opened!)

1:32 PM  
Blogger Brian Clarey said...

Don't you talk smack about my Mac. I'll never switch.

2:07 PM  
Blogger jw said...

Yet you continue to complain about the things you can't do.

7:51 PM  
Blogger Billy Jones said...

I'm using a Mac (love 'em) and switched my browser to Firefox which seems to work better with all the blogging platforms I've tried.

By the way, some Windoze users also have a problem with the Add a link feature on Blogger.

PS JW, my Mac can do anything your PC can do and far more with less work and it never crashes.

8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Mac vs. PC disagreement!

Congratulations Mr. Womack! You have already passed one bar of the online barometer in your new blog!


2:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mac versus PC. Is this the story behind the news we all have been craving to read about? Ow Fah-zin-nay-ting. Does anyone still drink Tang?

3:22 AM  

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